Welcome to the Cutting Edge Delay Analysis series
This article is part of the Cutting Edge Delay Analysis series, which is also available as a LinkedIn newsletter.

This newsletter aims to provide in-depth, technical insights on advanced topics related to construction delay analysis, and to provide a forum for engaging amongst specialists. The targeted audience for this series includes experts in the field as well as less experienced practitioners looking to enhance their knowledge and skills. Lawyers and in-house counsel may also benefit from the content, although it should be noted that the articles are geared towards those with an engineering background.

I expect to publish once or twice per quarter, perhaps slightly more frequently when inspiration is at a high. The first article in the series was originally intended to focus on how to make the most of your delay windows in an as-planned versus as-built delay analysis. This is a topic that is particularly close to our hearts at Orizo Consult, as we often see expert reports that miss opportunities to substantially improve the clarity and effectiveness of their conclusions.

However, due to the overwhelming number of requests from friends, colleagues, and peers, I have decided to start the series with a discussion on a technology which is currently all around the news feeds: Chat GPT. As many of you already know, Orizo Consult has a software branch focused on productivity, so we always keep a close eye on new AI technology developments. Acting as both a construction delay expert and a CTO, I will share a multidisciplinary view on Chat GPT, its potential role in delay analysis, and more generally in the consulting world.

Be sure to subscribe to the newsletter to stay updated on the release of the first article and many more to come. Additionally, you may also want to take a look at our Delay Analysis 101 series, which covers delay analysis concepts and techniques for non-specialist individuals such as lawyers or contract managers.

In this article:
This newsletter aims to provide in-depth, technical insights on advanced topics related to construction delay analysis, and to provide a forum for engaging amongst specialists.
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